I always have little containers floating around my craft room. They come from emptying the embellishments out of them...hehehe. They are the containers you get with your SU product, and I never throw them away. But, I also didn't know what to do with them till now.
One of GinaK's newest stamps is called Exploring Nature. This is my boys to the tee. They are close in age (14 months), and do everything together. They are also always outside looking at the newest things on the ground. They also, most often, bring them into the house.
For while we are at the lake this weekend, I figured I'd make them each a treasure chest. All the new things they want to show me, they put in here. At the end of the day, we'll go through it, and put them back outside, so they can get new stuff the next day. They were enjoying them before we even left the house!
Hey you are one "cool" mom. I too had two boys who always collected things. Some of which were weird!!!! Now I have grandkids who collect as well. One loves rocks and I have them all over my house. Oh my golly!!
May have to start embelishing them. Hee hee hee. Loved the way you decorate those tins. Great job Julie. Catch any more fish? I caught just one fish in my life...a very small trout. Oh well...I do much better making cards!!!! evette
Posted by: evette | July 04, 2008 at 11:21 AM
Your boys must adore you for all the fun you bring.
Posted by: Jane Harrah | July 01, 2008 at 11:55 AM
What a wonderful idea!! Those are adorable!!
Posted by: Diane Lapointe | June 30, 2008 at 06:34 PM
So cute!
Posted by: Ene Villas | June 30, 2008 at 05:15 PM
very creative ideas, and so neat for the boys too!
Posted by: Conniecrafter | June 30, 2008 at 03:29 PM
such an awesome idea! my boys would love that! thanks so much for sharing!
Posted by: Angela R. | June 30, 2008 at 01:37 PM
Very cute! I'm sure they'll have fun picking out the perfect things to put in there!
Posted by: Holly | June 30, 2008 at 12:50 PM
Very creative idea. I bet the boys loved them. I would just be afraid what they might put in them.(teehee)
Posted by: StampinCathy | June 30, 2008 at 12:27 PM