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August 23, 2010


Diane Seaward

So sorry to hear about the trial your family is going through. But, our God is great and mighty and He answers prayer!! Will keep you all in prayer.
Diane (in Singapore)

Terry Molineux

Julie...I will continue to have you and your family in my thoughts in prayers during this trying time. May the results come fast and speedy recovery for Russ!
Always, Terry


I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way. You have a stong, positive spirit that I admire. Praying for you and your family!

Brenda in Indy

Thinking of you and praying for you each day. So glad you found someone with answers that will help Russ. God does provide when the need arises.


Keeping all of you in my prayers, as is my church. Stay strong Julie x

jackie M. - from Oregon

I have followed your blog for a number of years and have always been in awe of your ceativity and how you give to us so freely. I even joined Isogenix and have had some great success with that program. I don't see where you have indicated the area of the "C" issue so don't know how this info will apply, but you may want to read about Vitamin D3. I have been reading many glowing reports about how D3 can impact many health issues in a positive way. My friend who had melanoma was given massive doses of D3 while she was receiving therapy at "Anderson" in Texas. Another friend who has MS was told to take large doses of D3. At any rate, you can read here Praying for God's blessings to pour down on your family and for peace and healing for Russ.


You are in my prayers.

Janice Webb

Julie, Another hug from the USA. May you and Russ be celebrating soon his triumphant over cancer!

Laura I

Continuing my prayers for your husband, your family, and you! I am very inspired by your strength and positive attitude. You are truly and amazing person!


best of luck with your efforts. Sounds like you have a great support team.


praying daily for total healing, strength and peace.

lisa crofts

Hi Julie and I am thinking of you and your family even though I have never met you. You are in my prayers. I came across this on the radio the other day. This place is in my hometown in Australia but maybe you could find something similar. The guy who runs it just sounded so positive and upbeat as did the cancer patients using the facilities.


Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad you found some peace about the chemo and a treatment plan for Russ. God is always faithful. Continue to trust that HE knows best and will bring those into your life when you need them most.

Just B

Blessings. I firmly believe that chemo, not cancer, is what killed both my mother and grandmother - and took a horrible year for each of them to do it. Prayers to you all.

Cheryl M

Prayers for you and the family. God has a way of hearing us and giving us options in our life. You have been given a great option it sounds like.


Julie - thanks for keeping us up to date, and many prayers to you and your family.

Lots of hugs.

diane mcvey

I'm so happy you have found peace in your decision. Chemo is SO hard on a person; anything is better than that! I'm so glad there was an alternative. I hope things go really well for Russ. Please give him THE biggest hug from the USA for me. Life is not always kind to us, and we have to all pull for one another. I hope your faith will continue to keep you strong and will sustain you while you battle this horrible "C" beast. God bless you always.



My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please if you get a chance read the book Knockout by Suzanne Somers. There are some amazing doctors listed in here and maybe one of them can help you further in what you are doing away from "Western Medicine".


praying for you guys!

Your family is in our prayers, God bless you.


Quality of life is the most important choice, in my opinion. Take care and send Russ lots of hugs from us.


Sandy Tipton

I have been reading about you and Russ. My husband went thru this with thyroid cancer that caused tumors in his lungs. His doc recomended thalidomide (the drug used by women for nausia in the 70's that produced babies with no arms and legs) because it cuts off the blood flow to the tumors. Thalidomide - Toxipedia
Rediscovering thalidomide: A review of its mechanism of action, side effects, and potential uses. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1996; 35(6):969-79. ... I will keep you all in my prayers. SandyT

Cindy Biermann

God WILL reward you for your faithfulness!! Thank you for the update...


Continued prayers for you and your family. God bless you all and keep you strong.

Linda Q

I don't blame you for feeling queasy about chemo. It seems to me that often the cure is worse than the disease. Prayers to you and your family.

jane gallegos

my allyour prayers be answered
bless u


The best for your family; my #1 question for the Isagenix diet...what's the ball park cost per month for a Canadian? I can't find the answer...anyone know?

Pat Jandacek

Thanks for the update, Julie, and appreciate the comfort you find in having made the decision. Your family will remain in our prayers. Give Russ our very best.

Patti J.

I will continue to lift you up in prayer. I know that you have to be very relieved, to have finally made a decision. (I'm always better off once a decision is made :) Now you have one more hat to wear - a hard hat! Be sure to check your email today, dear friend :) Hugs!!!


I'm sure your faith will pull Russ thru.... lots of prayers are coming your way...

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