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September 22, 2010



Look at that picture- how awesome! God works in awesome ways - after my son passed away I looked at all the pictures closer and noticed that all the pictures had one thing in common - orbs all over - sometimes hundreds. I now believe that they are signs of angels - Sharing pictures of other St. Jude children that passed away also have orbs all over before they pass and even after of the family pics. I just have a comfort of knowing that God is watching over us. Praying for you and your family!


I sure am glad that they did that for you & Russ. I'm sure it does help ease your mind. And I'm also glad, that you are accepting of the help, as I think you are usually on the giving end. It is a humbling experience being on the receiving end, and I see that you have an awful lot of people who care about your family. Keep the faith!

Linda L

Hi Julie,
I just recently found your blog, while looking for craft ideas, and what a blessing you have been to me! I found not only an abundance of crafting inspiration, but an amazing sister in the Lord!!! Your strength and faith are an inspiration to many. Thank you for living it out loud!!!
I am praying for you and your husband. I know God is faithful and will provide your every need from His endless resources as you continue to abide in His love, trust in His faithfulness, and rest in His peace.
Be blessed,


That is terrific, it is wonderful the people that God gives us to help us through our rough times

Terry Molineux

Julie that is what friends are be there when you need them. They may not be there all the time but when there is a need a true friend comes to the rescue....I am so glad you have great friends....God be with you and Russ at this time and especially your little boys. How are they taking all this?

lisa crofts

so happy for you that you have such good friends.

April D

That is Awesome! You have sure been blessed with some great friends and family that obviously care so much to help you out like that. That is nice to see, people pulling for others when they need it.


God bless you. Friends are hidden angels just waiting to answer prayers...hugs~ Jane

Cindy Hopkins

It is so awesome to see God working in everyday life! Continued prayers headed your way...

Nancy Green

God knows what you need before you even have a chance to ask. He even chooses the angels to deliver it!

Rose Menassas

Hey Julie, Maybe this is why people get friends and family can show them how much they are loved! Prayers ongoing.....

Sheila Bennett

That is so sweet to know that you have such wonderful friends and neighbors to help you out.

Brenda in Indy

Oh Julie, what a wonderful blessing and shows how much your friends, neighbors and family love you guys. It brought tears to my eyes.


God provides...praying for your family.

Judi G

You are truly blessed to have such wonderful and caring people in your life.

Edna Burgess

Such wonderful friends and neighbors. Bless them. And still praying for Russ and you too. Edna

Mo Moss

GOD is good and you are awesome yourself. I am not surprised that you have friends like that. I am happy that they helped you,only wish my husband and I could have been there too to give a hand. Love to you all.

Wendy M.

How wonderful that you are so loved and supported by good friends. It says alot about you and Russ too.... I'm sending you my best wishes for strength and wisdom in this difficult time. I'm so glad you have your faith to keep you strong.

Laura I

It is truly amazing how friends and family come to your aid during a "crisis". They are all God's blessings. Glad that your blessings were there for you!

Keeping you in my prayers!

Germana Ferrao-Lenn

The Lord look after his own! trust in him and all will be well Julie! HUgs always! G


My parents heated their home the same way, and I have been part of many wood piling sessions, and know the work it involves (satisfying, but labour intensive!). Glad to see that you have friends to help you out with anything!


Such a special gift from some wonderful people in your lives! Stay warm with their extra caring deeds.

Linda Henry

I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it when people show such kind deeds. This is what real friendship and kindness is all about. Just like in the olden days when that was the most natural thing to do was to help out a neighbor in need! You are truly blessed to have such kind friends! I applaud them all!
Prayers and Hugs to You and Yours!

Margaret  Sperry

What a blessing- This is the Family Of God- We are here to help and encourage each other. Now you are on the receiving end- In the past you have been on the giving end and in it all God is glorified. PRAISE to HIM!

Becky Jo

Bless all who helped get the wood in! We, too, heat with wood and I know what a job it is! Prayers are answered in many ways, by many angels! Thoughts and prayers are with you all. Big Hugs!!

Diane L

You sure know who your real friends are in times like these! That is wonderful!

Becky Nadeau

So great you are experiencing God's love through people! My pastor just spoke on this about 2 weeks ago. How today we just don't like to ask, and not many people offer. It has become a disease of independance. I don't know you, or your husband, but I'm praying for his complete healing. I will also pray for you and all that you face in these coming days as well.

Bec' of Him,

Becky Nadeau

Patti J.

What awesome friends you have!!! Praise the Lord!!!

Debbie H.

That is great. So glad you have awesome friends and family to help you in this difficult time.


Wow, that is incredible. I am so glad you have so many people that love and care about your entire family. Russ, and the rest of the family, are continually being lifted up to God in our prayers.


God is GOOD!!!


This is wonderful. Blessings from God come in all shapes and forms. When prayers go up, blessings come down. So many of us are praying for you and your family. Your faith is an encouragement to us.

Tammy Q Howell

What sweet servant hearts they have! What a blessing and bright spot in this stormy time for your family. God is good always!


Another prayer answered...probably before it was even spoken! :o)

Diane McVey

I am so happy that this has been done for you! What a relief to know that you will have an adequate supply of wood to heat your home this winter! Fantastic. Thank goodness there are still wonderful people there to help others. I agree that it's a great thing for people to help in this way. Awesome. Hugs to you!

Kathy Benko

You can't bet neighbors/friends/family when it comes to a crisis. Thinking of you everyday Julie.


How wonderful! A bright spot during this difficult time.


I have goose bumps! What a wonderful help these people are - truely gifts from God!

Linda Peterson

I have tears of joy, looking at that picture and realizing what has been done for you.

Melissa Johnson

God is so good. Thanks for sharing!


What a blessing! Praising God with you!

Fran Bosse

WOW!! Now that is a HUGE pile of wood. I'm even too young at 62 to remember when this sort of help was the normal mode in "the old" days. I just remember hearing my grandparents talk about it.If more of this sort of thing was the norm nowadays, the world situation wouldn't be in such a mess. With all the modern technologies we forget to be just people helping people. I read your blog all the time and am following your trials and tribulations and I believe that God will see you through. Keep the faith.

Karla Reader

I'm so glad you have been blessed in this way.


..tells you how much people care about your and your family...and how blessed you are...despite what's happening in your family right now.


YEA for great friends and family! This is one way for God to use others to serve you and your family! I'm so thankful that you have HIM to rely on!!!

Janet Smith

Friends are the BEST!!! And...remember...

Friends are flowers that never fade.

sherry conrad

Our God is an awesome God! He will never give you more than you can handle. What a blessing from your friends. Praise God.



that is sooooo awesome when friends are there when you need them....God is good!

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